Minhwa_Lotus Flowers, 130 x 80cm, Color on Korean Paper
Korean National Minhwa Award 2018_Awarded

The lotus raised from the muddy water but the flower floats aloof elegantly. The stem is straight without twigs like a person of virtue. In Korean Art, the lotus represents purity of the body, speech and mind.

This lotus painting was the first large Minhwa painting I did when I was sitting at my master’s feet. 

The stem must be clear and somewhat light but support the weight of rich colorful leaves swaying above.

That was what I liked about lotus painting. I won my first Minhwa painting prize with this painting which gave me some confidence to move forward. 

Minhwa_Lotus and cicada, 50 x 95cm, Color on Korean Paper

This is another Minhwa lotus flower I painted at the same time.

Cicadas spend most of their lives as underground larvae, emerging only after 6-7 years. After their emergence, the adult cicadas cry only 10-20 days between the green leaves of summer and die. Their short-lived lifecycle was compared to the vain life of human being, but poetically worshiped by scholars.

They recite as they live

Only live on dew

Never build a nest

Know when to leave.

Scholars loved cicadas often describe them as a man of intergrity.

The painting is very classical, nothing interesting catching your eyes. But I oddly fell in love with this painting and decided to keep it for myself. It is framed and hung in my living room now. Giving me serenity and strength to go on.